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Copper fungicide –bactericide with protective action.
Copper, as elemental (present as calcium copper sulphate) 20%
  • Citrus trees (Lemons, mandarins, oranges, grape fruit)
  • Nut trees (Almond, Walnut, Hazelnuts, Pistachio)
  • Pome fruits (Apple and Pear trees)
  • Stone trees (Cherry, Peach, Nectarine, Plum)
  • Grapes
  • Olive
  • Carrot
  • Vegetables Field and Greenhouse (Τomato, cucumber, pepper, cucumber, squash, melon, watermelon)
  • Beans
  • Celery
  • Peanuts
  • Potato
  • Sugar beets
3.5 -6.5 kg / ton of spray water
Citrus trees (Grape fruit, Lemon, Mandarin, Orange, Bitter Orange, Pomelo- Citrus Maxima, Bergamot): Spray against the mal secco disease (Phoma tracheiphila), stem, leaves and fruit infesting bacteria (Pseudomonas syringae) with rates of 4kg /ton of water using 2-2.5 tons of spray water /hectare. Preventive sprays starting in autumn when conditions are favorable. Spray after frost or hale damage.
Max no of sprays/ cropping season: 4

Almond: Spray against the shot-hole (Stigmina carpophila) with 4kg /ton of water, using 1-1.5 ton of spray water /hectare. Spray in autumn at the 75% of leaf drop and in winter just before the buds expand. Repeat 1-2 times at the time of buds expanding.
Max no of sprays/ cropping season: 4

Walnut: Against anthracnose (Μarsonina juglandis) with 4kg /ton of water, using 1-1.5 ton of spray water/ hectare. Make 3-4 sprays starting just before leaf expand and repeat every 10 days. Do not spray at bloom.
Max no of sprays/year : 4

Apple: Spray against the Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) with 5.5-6.25kg/ton of water, using 1-2 ton of spray water / hectare, at the stages of green and pink tips of the buds.
Max no of sprays/ cropping season: 2

Pear: Spray against the Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) with rates of 5kg /ton of water, using 1-2 ton of spray water / hectare, at the stages of green and pink tips of the buds
Max no of sprays/ cropping season: 3

Stone Fruits (Apricot, Cherries, Peach, Nectarines, Plum, Sour Cherries): Spray against the Peach Leaf Curl (Τaphrina deformans), the Shot hole (Stigmina carpophila) and brown rot (Sclerotinia laxa) with rates of 4.25kg /ton of water, using 1-1.2 ton of spray water /hectare. Make preventive sprays in autumn at the leaf drop period and in late winter before bud swelling.
Max no of sprays/ cropping season: 2

Grape (table and wine): Spray against the downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) and anthracnose(Εlsinoe ampelina) with rates of 5.5-6.5 kg/ton of water using 0.5-1 ton of spray water/hectare. Make preventive sprays starting in Spring when conditions are favorable and continue depending on weather forecast.
Max no of sprays/ cropping season: 4

Olive: Spray against the peacock spot disease (Cycloconium oleaginum),(Spilocaea leagina), the olive anthracnose (Gloeosporium olivarum) and the Bacterial cancer(Pseudomonas savastanoi) with rates of 6-6.5kg /ton of water, with 1.5-3 ton of spray water/hectare
Make two applications for the peacock spot disease, the first in autumn shortly before the raining season prevails and the 2nd in Spring when the new leaves are 2cm sized.For the olive anthracnose make two applications: The 1st at olive ripening and the 2nd 20 days after the 1st. To treat Bacterial cancer applies after frost or hale damage.
Max no of sprays/ cropping season: 2

Vegetables (Onion, Pepper, Cucumber, Squash, Melon, Watermelon, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Lettuce, Spinach, Leek Celery, Beans): Spray against the downy mildews (Peronospora spp. Bremia lactucae) the blights, (Phytophthota parasitica), Septoriosis (Septoria spp.), Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.) and Bacterioses with rates of 3.5kg /ton of water using 0.5-0.8 ton of spray water / hectare. For the downy mildew and blights apply at the very early stages and repeat every 7-14 days. To treat anthracnose apply to the very early stages and for Bacterioses apply from the stage of plantlets to the nursery and repeat up to fruit setting.
Max no of sprays/ cropping season: 4

Tomato: Spray against late blight (Phytophthora infestans) and Bacterioses (Xanthomonas campestris) with rates of 5.5-6.25kg/ton of water using 0.5-1 ton of spray water /hectare. For the late blight make preventive sprays in cases where conditions are favorable for the disease spread. Apply against Bacterioses with the first symptoms.
Max no of sprays/ cropping season: 6

Potato: Spray against potato blight (Phytophthora infestans) and Athracnose(Colletotrichum atramentarium) with rates of 5.5- 6.12kg/ton of water using 0.5-1 ton of spray water/hectare. In cases where conditions are favorable for the disease, spray when plants are at 15-20cm. Repeat at 7-10 days intervals depending on disease severity.
Max no of sprays/ cropping season : 6

Sugar Beets: Spray against the leaf spot disease (Cercospora beticola) with rates of 5.5-6.5kg/ton of water using 0.4lit of spray water/hectare. Apply with the first symptoms.
Max no of sprays/ cropping season: 4

Ornamentals: Against the leaf spot disease (Cercospora beticola) the downy mildew (Peronospora spp.), (Septoria spp.) and the roots and crown molds (Phytophthora spp.) with rates of 5.5-6.5kg /ton of water with 0.5-1 ton of spray water /hectare.Apply for the downy mildew and the septoriosis with the first symptoms.Apply to treat the roots and crown molds at the newly grown plants in the nursery or after transplanting.
Max no of sprays/ cropping season: 6

Water dispersed powder, provides surface coverage and fungicidal protection. Bordeaux mix Vioryl can be applied in a wide range of fruit and vegetable diseases and provides control against of a number of bacteria species.
  • 1 kg sacks, 10 /carton
  • 5 kg, sacks 3 /carton
  • 10, 20 kg sacks